Make better decisions based on historical developments and data-based hypotheses about the future
The market price study is an in-depth empirical study on the historical development of sales prices of commercial PV-Systems in Germany. In addition to the detailed price analyses, hypotheses on influencing factors and dependencies are examined and possible implications for the future development of the market are outlined.
This study is helpful for all those who make or plan direct investments in commercial photovoltaic systems and want to make or validate their decisions based on data. At the same time, the results of the study are also suitable for providing new prospective investors with an overview of the market.
The study is based on more than 450 of our own data sets on validated transactions on the Milk the Sun marketplace for commercial PV-Systems in Germany in the period between 2014 and 2020 focusing on commercial PV projects, which were divided into the project types project rights, turnkey and systems in operation.
Benefit from our experience and validate your decisions with our analysis.
The subject of the Milk the Sun market price study is
What are validated average market prices for different project types?
How have the sales prices of turnkeys and systems in operation as well as project rights developed over time?
To what extent do price developments differ by project type and what can this be attributed to?
Specifically, how should the developments up to 2019 be compared with the current development in 2020?
What trends for possible future developments can be deduced?
What are the implications for investors in particular from the price convergence of systems in operation and turnkeys in the near future?
What factors are likely to influence future price developments?
What details are worth looking into in the next studies?
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